Well, I got my ball of yarn rolled up. That was a huge pain. I'm sure there are tricks that people will be able to tell me to help with that in the future.
I remember my grandfather sitting there holding the skein between his two hands and my grandmother rolling it off. Unfortunately, my grandfather was not available to help today so I had some problems with the skein. But at the end of it all, my ball is rolled, there are no knots or breaks in the skein and I didn't rip out too much of my hair doing it.
So tomorrow night I get to find out what we're making. I've got my cabling and 4mm needles all ready. I've never made anything with a cable on it so this will be a learning experience for me for sure!
So getting back to the winding of the ball. I was doing some research last night and discovered a tool called an Umbrella Swift. If I were going to be using yarn in the skein form a lot, I would look into buying or making one of these. It's used to hold the skein while you roll it off into a ball. Oh yeah, I'd probably invest in a ball winder too but for now, by hand will be fine.
For an interesting article on Umbrella Swifts:
I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first Marathon Sock and it's looking great! I'm really loving the way the stripes are working out.
Well, I best be off. I think we're gonna lose our power soon. There's a thunderstorm rolling in. The satellite dish just went out and I keep seeing the sky light up with lightning.