Monday, October 4, 2010

Just another blog test V3

I realized that a setting I was using was sending a copy if the photos I was including in my blog posts off into my Flickr Account. I don't want a bunch of duplicate photos so I think I might have changed the setting correctly.

Now it should send a copy of the photo to my "Upland on the Grand" album in Picasaweb.

This is a picture of the things I used to make the spicy pumpkin soup. It was amazing. If you want the recipe, go to:

Incommune Recipe Dump

The first recipe is the one I used. It was just the right amount of spicy. Enough to clear out your sinuses but not too much that you don't taste the second spoonful.

I will definitely be making it again.

Now, hopefully that photo went to Picasa, not Flickr.


Okay, this is the third time I've tried to get the hyperlink to work. Still not sure so here's the website if you want to find the recipe.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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